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Homegroup Resources for Spring 2020

Finding your way... as homegroup leaders you know your group and are in the best position to discern what resources you need to look at together. Most of the time we will not be setting a central course of study, but we do try and make recommendations of materials the other have found helpful. However this term you are invited join The Way of the Cross from Sunday 8th March.

Over the course of this term in the mornings at Sanctuary and Engage we will be looking at Justice, then being inspired by Nehemiah as he rebuilds the walls. In the run up to Easter will will have a series called: The Way of the Cross (there will be additional materials to support this series that will be suitable for homegroups). At our Encounter evening community we will look at a Life of Worship followed by a series on 1 Peter and Living Communities.

So this term we have a number of recommendations for you, but it is up to you to decide what your group needs.

The way of the cross

The Way of the Cross

The Way of the Cross - Mark Searle - 7 sessions following the Sunday morning teaching available here.  
I am going to try and be creative... so may be short video and a facebook discussion group (but here's to not over promising and under delivering).

Nehemiah: Renovator's Dream

7 interactive Bible studies for small groups and individuals - available from

You can see a PDF preview on the site. As with most published materials there is loads in here and probably more than any homegroup can take on in one evening - so use the material sparing making space for the Holy Spirit to move. If you decide to use this material, please could you let Mandy know and we will do a bulk order in the new year.

Previously recommended - if you have not done them, they are good:

The Prayer Course - Pete Grieg - video/online/free (Updated in 2019)

Practising the way - John Mark Comer - video/online/free

A Church on the Way - Mark Searle - PDFs/free

Discovery Bible Study

ll resources for homegroup leaders